Meet Outreach Coordinator Ruby Polite!

Meet Ms. Ruby Polite!
She is the Outreach Coordinator for the Columbus Area Habitat for Humanity. She is originally from Cuthbert, GA. She’s U.S. Army Retired, and was in for 24+ years. She retired in Grapevine, TX and moved back to Columbus after 36+ years for family in September of 2014. She’s been working at Habitat for 3 years now. She got started with Habitat when she volunteered for Dallas TX Habitat for Humanity. Upon her return after 36+ years she looked for a Habitat for Humanity and found CAHFH (Columbus Area Habitat for Humanity). She started out volunteering in the ReStore in June 2016 and February 2017, she was contracted to work in the ReStore. Furthermore in April 2017, she was contracted to work as the Volunteer Coordinator and by June 2017, she was contracted to work as the Outreach Coordinator and she enjoys all that she does. She has gotten to help so many, that she really can’t put a number on it. In December 2017, she was able to partner with Operation Homefront to do Christmas Stocking Stuffers for CAHFH homeowners with small children up to age 12 and in August 2018, with Operation Homefront , she was able to provide school supplies for CAHFH homeowners K-12. She has many memorable moments from working at Habitat, but one that comes to mind is from February 2017 when CAHFH loaded up and went to Albany, GA to assist in the disaster relief with the Albany GA Habitat for Humanity.
She graduated from Keller Graduate School of Management in Irving, TX. In 2012, she received her Masters in Human Resource Management and a Certificate in Project Management. In 2013, she received her Masters in Business Management with a concentration in Management, Lean Six Sigma Certification, and PHRM Certification. She finds enjoyment in volunteering with CAHFH, Operation Homefront, Community Warriors and so many more organizations. One of her other major enjoyments is spending time with her Grandbaby.
Some of Ms. Ruby’s favorite scriptures and quotes are as follows:
Luke 6:31 (NIV); Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Proverbs 31: 10-31; Virtuous Women
Maya Angelou’s poem: Still I Rise
“I believe that we all can contribute in some way of making things better in this world. Whether it is through volunteering, being compassionate of others, being an honorable person, and inspiring others. As Mother Teresa stated that “in this life we cannot always do great things, but we can do small things with great love”